To get started register your account at next install heroku toolbelt which is command line tool to use heroku. First make sure you have Ruby installed in your system, if not then
sudo apt-get install ruby-full
After that install heroku toolbelt
wget -O- | sh
After installation do:
heroku login and login with your credentials. After that you are logged in. Next create a project in some folder.
heroku create creates a new "server" for you. You can name it how you want as long as its not already taken. Like heroku create lollero
Then create a new folder for your project, add files and commit then normally. After that add your heroku remote with command:
heroku git:remote -a lollero
Now you can deploy your app just by typing git push heroku master
If you have multiple heroku remotes, just check them with:
git remote -v
and then push to another heroku app:
git push herokuappname master
IF heroku complains about public key, just simply add it before pushing:
heroku keys:add ~/.ssh/
If you have multiple heroku remotes, just check them with:
git remote -v
and then push to another heroku app:
git push herokuappname master
IF heroku complains about public key, just simply add it before pushing:
heroku keys:add ~/.ssh/
and ta-da, your application is about to be deployed. In herokuapp you can also set custom domain names for your project, rollback versions etc.
heroku releases shows all your releases.
heroku rollback v5 rolls back to version you wanted.
Buildback defines your application language. To add buildbacks:
heroku buildpacks:add
Read heroku log with heroku logs --tail
Read heroku log with heroku logs --tail
Set heroku configuration variables with command: heroku config:set IS_HEROKU=TRUE
To read more about heroku:
Heroku devcenter has very good documentation: